Thursday, March 31, 2011

Central Market and Promise Fulfilled

The central market is called the Piatsa Centru.  It sells just about everything but mainly it sells vegetables, eggs, fish, clothes, purses, just about everything.  I have purchased a few things there but last weekend was very nice so Bob and I decided to take our cameras and some cash and walk the 6 blocks.  It was pretty crowded but we got some good shots.

These are chicken feet all neatly bagged.  I don't know their use other than to scare small children - (Czerniak Family history).  They must be yummy, she has already sold half of her box!
 This is one of the dried bean stands.  We bought some black beans and they were delicious.

 This is the bean lady.  She was very nice.

 The very popular potato aisle.
 I have made certain promises about a babushka and so here it is - a photo of me wearing a purple babushka and carrying a market bag (special for the central market) that cost me $1.00.  If this doesn't say Soviet senior citizen, I don't know what does.
I almost forgot, no smiling.  Now I look like all the mature women around here except for the glasses.  Very few people wear glasses here.  I think that is a sure give away that Bob and I are from the USA.

Have a good week  -  Beth

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

International Judge

On Friday, Bob was one of the judges who evaluated an engineering competition sponsored by the Technical University of Moldova.  Each team received an identical box containing several supplies.  The goal was to construct something from cardboard (using only what was in the box) that would separate ping pong balls according to weight.  Some ping pong balls were filled with air, some pingpong balls were filled half way with water and some were filled completely with water.

Bob was the international judge.   I was the international shopper and photographer.  The event took place at Mall Dova.  The kids did a good job.  There were six teams and 3 of them succeeded in separating the pingpong balls.

 Getting started.

 Now things are starting to take shape.  You can see some of the mall.  it is very nice.
Let the judging begin!  The sign in the window says, "We Love Shirt"
Robert was interviewed by the local TV news crew.  Don't know if they put it on TV or not.  After all, he was the International Judge.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vice President Joe Biden visits Moldova

It was a beautiful day, almost warm.  There was excitement in the air.  The Moldovan TV station was all Biden.  We had VIP tickets from the American Embassy.   Vice President Biden was greeted by hundreds lining the street waving small US and Moldovan flags.   There were huge crowds and the estimate we heard was about 10,000 people came to the area and also lined the streets.    There were "politzia" everywhere wearing florescent green colored jackets.   Well,  we were able to use the VIP tickets to enter the overflow area.  There was a large screen that we watched a little bit.  Everyone was listening to his speech.  I don't think they could understand too much especially if they couldn't see the translation on the jumbotron screen.

Our view of Vice President Biden.

My VIP view during Biden's speech.  We have discovered that the Moldovan people are pretty tall, generally.

The visit and speech were for the Moldovan people and we were fortunate to take part.  An excellent day.  Got back to the apartment, took ibuprofen and put my feet up.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Video problems

I thought I was doing so well.  Tried to view the video and it has been deemed private by someone.  Now I have made the video "unlisted" and you will hopefully be able to view it at this address:

I will check it out also.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Festivalul International de Muzica

The International music festival has been continuing for 10 days.   There have been 3-4 concerts each evening at different concert halls.  The Organ Hall, Philharmonic Hall, Opera and Ballet Theater and National Palace concert/theater are enjoyed by the people of Chisanau.   We have attended a few festival concerts.  The video is from the most lively concert we have seen.  We enjoyed this concert at the Philharmonic Hall.  Two guest artists from Azerbaijan performed.  The conductor was from there and his father played an instrument called a "Tar".  It does look similar to a guitar but the neck is a little longer and the base resembles a couple of coconuts.  The base is covered by a stretched animal skin and so the tone sometimes reminded us of a banjo.   Very exotic.

The first part of the video is a little washed out but most of it is good.   It is a little less than 2 minutes.

OK, now I am proud of  myself.  The video is actually on the page.  Hope it works for you.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Music Festivals and Bowling

The spring music festival has begun.  Went to the Organ Hall and heard an organist from Spain play the organ that takes up the entire back of the stage.  He was excellent.  Saturday we will see folk music concert by musicians from Azerbaijan.  That should be very good.  Then Sunday is a jazz concert, Tuesday another folk music concert from Poland and then the finale, a concertina concert (accordions) with several performers, I think 16 accordions.  I will post a few more photos.

Also went to the mall named, Mall Dova.   Ya, I know.   It is pretty upscale with mainly clothing and shoe stores.  They do have a large grocery store where we did our weekly shopping and took a taxi home.   One big surprise at the mall, they have a bowling alley.  Pretty nice!

We start with a language tutor tomorrow to learn Romanian.  The only problem is she speaks Russian and Romanian, no English.  Should be interesting.

Das Vadania,  Beth

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today is March 1st and in Moldova a local holiday is celebrated.  It is called Marti Shorr.  It is named after a poem that speaks of the hope of spring and sunshine.  Believe me, I am ready for spring and sunshine.  I had forgotten that Chisinau is on the same latitude as Quebec, Canada.  

The photo of the woman in the fur coat and fur hat was taken at the Central Market.  There are about 300+ stalls where local people sell fresh veges from Turkey, fresh fish, spices, shoes, clothes, office supplies, kitchen and linens, some electronics and a lot more.   I purchased some place mats from this woman who is wearing what most women over 35 - 40 wear every day in the winter, real fur coats and real fur hats.  They look really warm.

Our Yak Traks are featured in the other photos.  If you don't know what they are, they function like snow tires for your feet.  They are stretchy, heavy duty rubber and have a few metal nubs that keep you standing while walking in snow and ice.  They work great.  Just pull them onto the bottom of your boots or shoes and off you go!  They work great for us because we are not accustomed to the ice and snow.

This lady sold a lot of kitchen wares in a small booth about 6 ft wide.  She does look warm.

I am convinced the Yak Traks saved Bob and I from falling on the ice.

Hope you have a great day.   Beth