Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Festivalul International de Muzica

The International music festival has been continuing for 10 days.   There have been 3-4 concerts each evening at different concert halls.  The Organ Hall, Philharmonic Hall, Opera and Ballet Theater and National Palace concert/theater are enjoyed by the people of Chisanau.   We have attended a few festival concerts.  The video is from the most lively concert we have seen.  We enjoyed this concert at the Philharmonic Hall.  Two guest artists from Azerbaijan performed.  The conductor was from there and his father played an instrument called a "Tar".  It does look similar to a guitar but the neck is a little longer and the base resembles a couple of coconuts.  The base is covered by a stretched animal skin and so the tone sometimes reminded us of a banjo.   Very exotic.

The first part of the video is a little washed out but most of it is good.   It is a little less than 2 minutes.

OK, now I am proud of  myself.  The video is actually on the page.  Hope it works for you.


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